Monday, August 1, 2011

Service Point Solutions (in Europe) opens large Production Center for Digital Printing, Document Management, Packaging and Franking

Buenos Dias, Good Morning…

I found this (the following) Press Release on ServicePointSolutions’ web-site this morning. I did not find an English language version of the Press Release, I only found a Spanish language version.

For those of you who are geographically-challenged, the word, “Benelux” stands for Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg. "Franking" stands for "mailing (applying postage.)

You’ll first see the Spanish language version of the Press Release, followed by an English language version generated by Google Translate. Google Translate does not do a perfect job.

Based on the Press Release, it “looks like” Service Point may have consolidated three locations into one – one very large location. 2,500 square meters is approximately 27,000 sq. ft.

In the Press Release, SPS indicates that its Benelux operations generated 34 million Euros in revenue in the first half of 2011. If you annualize that number and convert the annualized number to USD (dollars), that would equate to an operation generating approximately $98 million dollars, annually. That’s a considerable chunk of change! I’m surprised that SPS’ target is only 10% EBITDA.

Here’s the Spanish language version of the Press Release:

Service Point duplica su capacidad en los servicios de gestión documental en Benelux

Barcelona, 1 de Agosto de 2011 – A partir de hoy entra en funcionamiento un nuevo centro de servicios de Service Point en Benelux, con una capacidad productiva que permitirá doblar el volumen de facturación de Service Point en los servicios de impresión y gestión documental. El nuevo centro de Service Point en Holanda está a la vanguardia en la impresión y gestión documental. El nuevo centro de 2.500 m2 centraliza la producción, gestión y distribución de los servicios y productos de Service Point contando con las últimas herramientas, equipos y servicios en lo que se refiere a tecnología digital.

Con este paso Service Point Holanda centraliza en uno la producción de tres centros, obteniendo así una mayor eficiencia, un ahorro importante de costes y la capacidad de ofrecer productos de alta calidad a precios más competitivos.

Este centro, que es también la sede holandesa de Service Point, se encuentra en Alphen aan den Rijn y con su apertura se superan las necesidades actuales y futuras de la impresión online, tanto en capacidad de producción como en calidad ya que permite conseguir productos de la más alta calidad en el mercado.

En esta permanente vocación de servicio, Service Point Holanda da un paso más al servicio global al cliente: diseño gráfico, impresión digital, empaquetamiento y franking.

“Creemos que nuestra nueva localización además de que nos permitirá ser más eficientes nos va a ayudar a aumentar la calidad y número de servicios a nuestros clientes” afirma Ruud Huursping, General Manager de Service Point Holanda. “Tenemos todo en único lugar para ofrecer la más alta calidad e innovación a precios muy competitivos”.

Las ventas de Service Point en Benelux fueron de 34 millones de euros en el primer semestre del año, un 7% más respecto al mismo periodo del año pasado. El nuevo centro permitirá incrementar la rentabilidad, el objetivo a medio plazo para el grupo, es conseguir en Benelux un EBITDA del 10% sobre las ventas.

Here’s an English language version of the Press Release, courtesy of Google Translate:

Service Point doubled its capacity in the document management services in the Benelux

Barcelona, August 1, 2011 - Starting today, comes into operation a new service center Service Point in the Benelux, with a production capacity that will double the turnover of Service Point in the printing and document management. The new Service Centre Point in the Netherlands is a leader in printing and document management. The new 2,500 m2 center centralizes the production, management and distribution of products and services Service Point counting on the latest tools, equipment and services in regard to digital technology.

With this step, Service Point Netherlands centralizing production in one of three centers, thus obtaining greater efficiency, significant cost savings and the ability to offer high quality products at competitive prices.

This center, which is also home to Dutch Service Point is located in Alphen aan den Rijn and openness are overcome current and future needs of online printing in both production capacity and quality as it allows to get products the highest quality on the market.

In this ongoing commitment to service, Service Point Netherlands takes a step closer to global customer service, graphic design, digital printing, packaging and franking.

"We believe our new location in addition to allowing us to be more efficient will help us to improve the quality and number of services to our customers," says Ruud Huursping, General Manager Service Point Netherlands. "We have everything in one place to provide the highest quality and innovation at competitive prices."

Service Point's sales in Benelux were 34 million euros in the first half of the year, up 7% over the same period last year. The new center will increase profitability, the medium-term objective for the group, is to get in Benelux EBITDA of 10% on sales.

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