Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Federal Government Agency gets something seriously right !!!

Off topic, for sure.

“They” finally got something right …… and not just right, but “amazingly” right.

In yesterday’s mail, I received the newest brochure from Medicare.  This brochure is designed to explain Medicare, and, in particular, Medicare Parts A and B, Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage and MediGap.  The brochure is designed to educate and to help  one make choices and act on those choices.

Most Fed Gov publications I’ve reviewed in the past were seriously lacking in the manner in which they provide information, how the information is stated and put together, how the information flows, etc.  In particular, the IRS is one of the worst at explaining information, and previous brochures about Medicare were also seriously lacking.

The newest Medicare brochure is a stunning piece of work.  It was very easy to read, very simple to understand, there was not one bit of legalese language, and I think that anyone who can read English can understand all of the information presented in this brochure.  Whole-hearted congratulations to the team that put together this brochure.  Simply put, awesome!

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