Thursday, November 14, 2013

Service Point Solutions (the publicly-held company based in Spain) just filed a document with the Spain Stock Exchange

Filed by Service Point Solutions with the Spain Stock Exchange; filed on November 14, 2013 at 5:17 pm (Spain time zone)

What the filing said, in Spanish:

Por la presente, SERVICE POINT SOLUTIONS, S.A. pone en su conocimiento, a los efectos de dar cumplimiento a lo establecido en el artículo 82 de la Ley 24/1988, del Mercado de Valores y disposiciones concordantes el siguiente


Que D. Carlos Cuervo-Arango Martínez, ha presentado su renuncia al cargo de Consejero de SERVICE POINT SOLUTIONS, S.A. mediante carta de fecha 6 de Noviembre de 2013. Que con el fin de cubrir dicha vacante, el Consejo de Administración de la compañía, en sesión extraordinaria celebrada en dicha fecha, ha nombrado como nuevo miembro, por el procedimiento de cooptación, a D. Matteo Buzzi, actual Director Financiero de la sociedad.

Sin otro particular, aprovechamos la ocasión para enviarles un cordial saludo.

Google-Translate translation into English:

Hereby, SERVICE POINT SOLUTIONS, SA brought to its attention, in order to give compliance with the provisions of Article 82 of Law 24/1988, the Securities and follows similar provisions


That D. Cuervo-Arango Carlos Martinez, has resigned as a Director of
SERVICE POINT SOLUTIONS, SA by letter dated November 6, 2013. That in
to fill such vacancy, the Board of Directors of the company, in extraordinary session held on that date, as a new member appointed by co-optation, to
D. Matteo Buzzi, currently Chief Financial Officer of the company.

Without further ado, take this opportunity to send a cordial greeting.

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