Saturday, September 10, 2011

State of Wisconsin had to replace its plan & spec printing contractor (vendor went out of business)

I previously did a blog-post about a procurement by the State of Wisconsin for plan and spec printing services for State construction projects. I don’t recall exactly when it was that I did that previous blog-post, and I’m too lazy to look up when I did that post.

Today’s post is a “follow-up” post of sorts. What happened? Well, the reprographics vendor the State awarded the work to …. went out of business! So, the State needed to quickly get a new reprographics vendor in place. The State just completed (I guess it was on September 2nd) the new procurement, which the State handled by the use of some sort of “quick bid” process. The State did issue a procurement document covering the specifics of the work and outlining how bidders were to bid on this procurement. I’ve placed a copy of the bid document in my Google Docs library, and you can access that document at this Internet address:

This was kind of an unusual bid, because of the way pricing had to be quoted. Bidders had to bid a “per square foot” unit price, a) for full-size printing and b) for half-size printing. All services associated with the work – including downloading files from the State’s web-site, preparing the files to print, printing, binding, wrapping, labeling and state-wide UPS shipping. Yes, that’s right, the unit price bid for printing had to include the cost of shipping! And, yes, the per-sq-ft unit price applied not just to “large-format” plans (full and half-size), but to specs as well.

The awarded bidder was Mastergraphics. Based on the bid-abstract I looked at, Mastergraphics left a lot of money on the table. Perhaps the reason why the previous vendor went out of business was that it underestimated the cost it would incur for shipping costs?

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